First Annual HPE Conference at USC, October 19-20, 2024
Last weekend, Allison Spencer Hartnett and I hosted the First Annual HPE Conference at the University of Southern California. It was a 2-day event with political scientists, economists, sociologists, and historians in attendance — all who do (or have an interest in) Historical Political Economy.
Here was the conference program. And here’s a great visual program, complete with bios.
All told, there were 26 paper presentations — including 6 by PhD students — a keynote by Sean Gailmard and a book-manuscript talk by Bryan Leonard.
Some highlights included a provocative methods panel, including Sven-Erik Skaaning and Hillel David Soifer, a lot of interesting work on the Reconstruction era in the United States, and Gailmard’s keynote on Building Generalizable Knowledge in HPE.
The Center for International Studies was a great partner in the conference, and Matt Stevens, Linda Kim, and Andra Astorga were instrumental in helping Allison and I organize things.
Our plan is to assemble again in October 2025. We had a great group of people in attendance — but we’d like more of all types. Especially more economists and senior scholars of HPE.
Some photos appear below. Please reach out to me if you are interested in next year’s conference, or have any questions in general: