Some HPE videos!
It’s a bit of a slow start to the week here at Broadstreet. Fear not though — we have two great guest posts coming later this week!
To tide you over until Wednesday and Friday, though, today’s post will focus on providing you with some recent HPE videos.
First, here is the Slavery and Its Legacies Symposium, held at USC. These six papers will be published in the Journal of Historical Political Economy 1:3.
Panel 1
Full video:
Panel 2
Full video:
Panel 3
Second, here are some videos from my Political Institutions and Political Economy (PIPE) Collaborative Workshop at USC. I’ve selected those with a clearly historical bent:
(1) Marc Weidenmier (Chapman University): Financial Factors and the Propagation of the Great Depression (Full video) (Highlights only)
(2) Jared Rubin (Chapman University): Political Legitimacy and the Institutional Foundations of Constitutional Government: The Case of England (Full video) (Highlights only)
(3) Melissa Lee (Princeton University): From Pluribus to Unum? Statebuilding in 19th Century America (Full video) (Highlights only)
(4) Trevon Logan (Ohio State University): Competition and Discrimination in Public Accommodations: Evidence from the Green Books (Full video) (Highlights only)
(5) Volha Charnysh (MIT): Dispute Resolution in Heterogenous Societies (Full video) (Highlights only)
Third and finally, here are some videos related to my recent book, Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865-1968 (Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Book Talk: Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865-1968
Authors Meet Critics: Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865-1968